Top Cybersecurity Threats Faced by Online Retailers

Retailers have witnessed an increase in the number of consumers shifting their spending from stores to online. The shift has led to retailers facing increasing cybersecurity threats. Retailers who fail to take steps against cybersecurity vulnerabilities are at risk of consumer data including bank accounts, credit card information, emails, and more being compromised.

Here are the five common cybersecurity threats retailers need to safeguard against.

Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack: This is a malicious attempt to take down a website by flooding your servers. A DDoS attack will slow down or take your website offline, preventing customers from placing orders. At LCM Security, we offer our clients Fortinet technologies as part of our professional services to address DDoS attacks. An example is FortiGate Next-Generation Firewalls that protect an organization from external threats by filtering network traffic.

Phishing: This is a cyber attack that uses deceptive emails to gather information. If your customers or employees are targeted by this attack, they risk giving hackers access to sensitive information, including usernames, passwords, credit card information, and more. To avoid falling victim to phishing attacks, organizations need proper security awareness training. LCM offers a comprehensive Security Awareness Training Program that combines education of staff and verification through automated phishing campaigns. To conduct Security Awareness Training, LCM uses a product called ID Agent, best known for Dark Web Monitoring.

Malware: This is malicious software inserted by hackers into your website to steal sensitive information, lead to unwanted pop-up ads, or direct visitors to other pages. LCM uses an AI-based host solution to address malware threats.

Man-in-the-middle attack: This attack happens when the connection between the customer and website isn’t encrypted. The hacker can view all the pages visited by the customer and intercept their sensitive information. LCM addresses man-in-the-middle attacks by deploying Fortinet technologies.

Ransomware: This is a type of malware that encrypts the victim’s system and prevents access. A message is displayed on the system demanding money before access is granted. To address ransomware threats, LCM uses AI-based host solutions.

LCM’s retail customers take advantage of all the essential services required to thwart cybersecurity threats as part of our Managed Services offering. These services improve the client’s security posture as well as meeting PCI security requirements.

LCM has provided security services to a major Canadian boxed retailer since 2014. Kitchen Stuff has also done a full CIS assessment of their entire environment with LCM and has completed PCI compliance with LCM since 2012.

Online retailers need to protect their business against these cybersecurity threats. LCM can help these retailers with a budgeted cybersecurity plan using our lifecycle approach to cybersecurity.

Contact us today to solve your cybersecurity challenges.

LCM Security Inc. was founded in 2001 solely to provide advanced network security solutions that enable organizations to better leverage and control their costs associated with the acquisition and management of Security Infrastructures.


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